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Community COVID-19 United Relief Fund | Round 2 Announcement

On April 15th, along with River Region United Way, we awarded the first round of $50,000 relief grants to 20 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations supporting basic needs and/or health and wellness efforts related to the COVID-19 emergency and its aftermath.
The second round of grants from the Community COVID-19 United Relief Fund will be announced this morning during a press conference (the announcement livestream can be viewed on our Facebook page). We awarded Another $50,000 to 21 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.
American Legion Charles L. Martin Post 1948 will receive $2,500 to provide food, hygiene items, transportation, and shelter for individuals impacted by COVID-19.
Beacon Light Ministries Inc. will receive $1,950 to provide hygiene care packets for 50 families that include senior citizens.
Child Protect, Childrens Advocacy Center will receive $1,700 to implement telehealth counseling services and an outreach effort for families in distress.
Easterseals Central Alabama will receive $2,500 to implement teletherapy services for children receiving pediatric occupational therapy to address gaps in services while schools are closed.
Faith Crusades Fellowship Ministries will receive $2,500 to purchase food for distribution to clients in need.
FBC Community Ministries, Inc. will receive $2,500 to provide utility or rent assistance for persons who are financially insecure due to COVID-19.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Montgomery, AL will receive $2,500 to purchase food for distribution to clients in need.
Gathered by Grace will receive $2,500 to provide direct aid for 10 families impacted by COVID-19.
Hope Inspired Ministries will receive $2,500 to provide direct aid and job development support for HIM graduates impacted by COVID-19 business closures.
Madrid United Methodist Church will receive $2,500 to purchase food for distribution to clients in need.
Metropolitan United Methodist Church will receive $2,500 to purchase food and hygiene supplies for distribution to clients in need.
Montgomery Area Council On Aging will receive $2,500 to purchase shelf stable meals for distribution to clients in need.
Montgomery Area Food Bank will receive $2,500 to purchase supplies that will increase its acquisition and distribution of food to community partners.
The Salvation Army Montgomery, AL Corps will receive $2,500 to provide utility, mortgage, or rent assistance for 10 families who are financially insecure due to COVID-19.
Reality & Truth Ministries will receive $2,500 to provide food and hygiene supplies for clients in need.
Second Chance Foundation will receive $2,150 to implement telehealth mental health services and provide food and hygiene products for 45 families who are financially insecure due to COVID-19.
Shorter Fire Auxiliary will receive $2,000 to provide PPE supplies to the Shorter Volunteer Fire Department for protection of firefighters, EMTs, and patients from COVID-19 infection.
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth of Alabama will receive $2,200 to provide direct aid to families who are financially insecure due to COVID-19.
That’s My Child will receive $2,500 to provide over 820 meals for food-insecure families in north Montgomery.
The Salvation Army Dothan, Alabama will receive $2,500 to provide transportation vouchers to assist individuals in returning to work after displacement due to COVID-19 business closures.
Wiregrass Habitat for Humanity will receive $2,500 to provide mortgage assistance for seven clients.
These grants awards represent an investment of $50,000 in our community.

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